Monday, July 30, 2012

"E" complete!

Last week I completed the first mural in this series, assisted by Jake Warford and Xxist! I had perviously been approached by the owner of the Chesapeake to put a mural on the back of their building, as they complete renovations. The new restaurants will not be open for a few more months, but the wall is right in the middle of the Station North Arts District, so I though it'd be a perfect place to introduce the Explore series.

Trying out a newer technique on such a big wall was quite the test, but with the help of Jake and Xxist we got it up in less than a week! Thanks so much to the Valery family for funding the mural as well as Sherwin Williams and Utrecht for helping with the paint. Final pics will be up soon (once the dumpster is out of the way).

the focal point of the mural, figure & letter

detail of the fill

workers now repairing roof, dumpster and equipment covering most of bottom story work

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